Thursday, June 11, 2009

Communication is the Key to a Great Relationship!

Good relationship advice for any woman should include the importance of Communication. Communication is the key to any healthy relationship. Open and honest communication builds a foundation that all other aspects of the union are built upon. Distance and dissappointment will result if a culture of open dialogue between partners is not maintained.

In the beginning of any relationship, communication is free and easy. You both enjoy being with each other and look forward to the next time you can share time with each other. Over time, and through the complications of marriage, children, bills, and in-laws, dialogue between the two can wain.

Listening is the key to communication. Don't ignore or reject what your partner is saying. Really listen to what they are trying to tell you. Chances are, it's important to them, and therefore, should also be to you.Not listening is the direct road to disconnection by one or both of you.No relationship can survive disconnection.

Watch what you say to one another. Words floated off the cuff can not be taken back. Your relationship lives on the tip of your tongue. Words said in anger or rashness can do irreparable damage. Research shows that five positive things that you say to your partner, are destroyed by one negative remark.

It is important that you tell your partner each day how much they mean to you. Words of affection and affirmation are important in keeping your partner happy and connected to you. Tenderness is always better than ridicule or arrogance. Whisper words of love to your partner, and your relationship growth is guaranteed.

Nurture and cultivate a healthy love life. Couples who have good communication can identify and work through problems much easier than those who do not. Different outlooks and goals can be accomidated when two people are able to be honest and open with each other.

Make it a goal to work on this everyday. The relationship you save may be your own!

Relationship Check-up

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

The 3 Biggest Obstacles To Getting Back Together

Wanna know what’s keeping you from getting back together with your ex?
Chances are it is one of the top 3 reasons couples do not get back together.
1. Fear. Fear of rejection. Fear of being hurt. Fear of what your ex will say. Fear of putting yourself out there “on the line.” Fear of the unknown — what COULD happen!
It’s enough to hinder you to the point of inaction.
But the fact remains, if you don’t “put yourself out there” sometimes, you won’t get anywhere. No risk, no reward.
Don’t be afraid. As long as you avoid the mistakes from the Biggest Breakup Mistakes series, only good things can happen!
2. Pride. This runs neck and neck with fear as a top reason couples are unable to get back together.
Let’s face it, at the end of a relationship, things are said and done which are often regrettable.
Our feelings are hurt. Our egos are damaged. And in order to recover and cope with the breakup, we cling to our pride.
Add to that our basic human desire to be “right.”
We desperately want to believe that we are in the right, and our ex is in the wrong.
It’s our way of telling ourselves that we are ok. There’s nothing wrong with this. We are ok and it’s good that we think well of ourselves during tough times like this.
But often our pride prevents us from moving int he right direction with our ex’s.
It prevents us from saying how we REALLY feel. Or it prevents us from really tackling the core reason why you broke up in the first place.
Frankly, we would be best served by humbling ourselves and opening ourselves up to our special someone. If your ex is indeed your true love, you should be able to demonstrate humility, let go of your pride and be completely open and honest.
If you are can overcome your pride, then chances are you can overlook past mistakes and forgive your ex. Or maybe it will give you the strength to ask for forgiveness yourself if it is needed. Or it will help you to tackle the real issues that are keeping you apart.
3. Inability to overcome obstacles.
Many times we allow an obstacle to get in the way of reconciling. It’s just too easy to say “oh well, I tried.” I know because I’ve done it!
But in the end, there’s a solution for every obstacle. That’s right, every one of them.
Despite what the gurus would have you believe, there are no solutions that work 100% of the time, simply because we all possess free will to do as we please. If anyone tells you otherwise, run (don’t walk) in the other direction!
That said, there are things we can do to overcome all obstacles. For every situation, there is a solution.
Let me say that again….
For every situation, there is a solution. Add Image
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Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Relationship Advice for Women: Be Careful of Comparing Your Mate to Others

When women begin to question a relationship, it changes the way we look at everything. We focus on the little or not so little things about our spouse that we find mildly irritating or downright maddening. And for good or bad we will make comparisons.

Over the life of a marriage we will inevitably find ourselves spending time with other men to whom we are attracted. Each day we are exposed to a variety of people; at work, at the playground, the grocery store, business trips, airports, etc. There will inevitably be people of the opposite sex that we find attractive around us. As our society continues to break down gender-based barriers to men and women’s freedom to choose how they live and work, we will increasingly find ourselves in such situations.

Now finding another person attractive shouldn’t be a problem. There will no doubt be any number of men we are attracted too that we interact with. It becomes a problem, however, when it leads us to question our current relationship, or when we decide to act on our new attraction.

  • If we compare how our spouse looks at 6 a.m. with how our co-worker looks at 10 a.m.
  • If we compare the conversation we had with an attractive classmate about the interesting subject were studying, with the conversation with our spouse after four hours of wrestling the kids to bed, doing the dishes, folding laundry, and picking up the family room.
  • If we compare two hours of sitting in the sun with another parent watching soccer practice with two hours sitting around the kitchen table with our spouse, paying the bills and balancing the checkbook.
  • If we compare the 21 year old who spends an two hours a day at the gym with the 40 year old who is out of shape but works two jobs to pay the bills.

These comparisons are not particularly fair to our mate, but we do it anyway. And the longer we’ve been married, the more we do these comparisons.

There are very good reasons to take a long, hard look at a marriage or relationship. It is healthy to do so. But we should not gloss over things about our relationship that we might want to change.

Comparing the mate with whom we’ve spent years with to someone else we might only see a few hours a week, doesn’t really tell us all that much. Most of the time, that attractive neighbor, co-worker, classmate, or whoever will bring just as much irritations or problems to a relationship as our current partner.

What we need to do is use our comparison-based critique to consider what we could make better about our marriage.

  • Maybe we need to get all dressed up and go out on the town now and then.
  • Maybe we need to talk about more than just the day-to-day household management.
  • Maybe we need to balance the checkbook some other time and spend that end-of-the-day time cuddling on the couch.
  • Maybe we need to head down to the gym together.

When our attraction goes from comparison to action, we are in even more trouble. Trying an extramarital affair, we will be unable to view either clearly. Love, especially new love, is really blind. We will not see the many faults in our new partner, that are inevitably there. Remember the old saying, the grass isn’t always greener.

Don’t worry all that much when you find yourself attracted to a person you’re not in a relationship with. Instead try falling back in love with your spouse before you fall in love with someone else.

If you want to learn proven methods to increase the happiness and satisfaction with your mate, I recommend reading Bob Grant’s new e-book; What Husband Can’t Resist

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